Sailor Saturn, Neo Moon, Jupiter, King Endymion + more!

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Eternal is a Sailor Moon role play set during the beginning of the reign of Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion. The Crystal City formed magically, transforming America and the Earth to being governed by an extraterrestrial monarchy with Sailor Guardians as its primary protectors. With many unwilling to accept change, the Dark Kingdom and Black Moon formed in efforts to combat and make Earth governed by humans once more.

Eternal is L3/S3/V3 and self-hosted utilizing MyBB, a software akin to JCink. We have a plethora of canons available. We’re set after Sailor Moon, merging the 90s anime, manga, Sailor Moon Crystal into one game. We accept original characters and use real life face claims.

Please note, we have a ton of other characters available including a topic that links to a majority of our wanted ads on site so you can check out roles at a glance! 

Sailor Saturn
    [/a] for more information.

    [/ul]Neo Sailor Moon
      [/b]: Is from a distant future that is war- torn and came to the past to change it.
      - Plot: Went for a time without revealing her identity as Neo Sailor Moon to the public, until Neo Sailor Moon revealed their identities to her old friends and family within the Crystal Empire.
      - Plot: Because of her interference in the past, the future was altered as Neo Queen Serenity was not supposed to regain transformation as Sailor Moon. She gained the ability because she pushed herself due to the sightings and confusion of who the new Sailor Moon was.
      - Plot: After revealing her identity to the Crystal Empire as of late February 2031, Neo Sailor Moon may reside within the Crystal Palace alongside her team.
      - Plot: She provided aid in purifying Queen Nehellenia.
      - Note: Neo Sailor Moon is stronger than ever and we desire that she will take the Future Moon's mission more seriously now with the seeming end of their future timeline.
      - Note: Corruption plot lines for Neo Sailor Moon are not welcomed.
      - Note: It is possible that Neo Sailor Moon may have some of her father’s abilities in psychometry.[/ul]
      Sailor Jupiter
        [/b]: Her sibling during the Silver Millennium is Jupiter Knight.
        - Plot: Became the leader of the Inner Guardians after Sailor Venus became distracted by her own dreams, rather than duty.
        - Plot: Was responsible for the formation of the Queensguard.
        - Plot: Due to her status as leader of the Inner Guardians, she is now in possession in the Holy Blade, which symbolizes her as the leader.
        - Plot: Had gotten into a fight with Sailor Venus and Sailor Mars over their dissenting opinions of their duties, however managed to make amends with Sailor Mars.
        - Plot: Has been working closely with Sailor Mercury, Kunzite and Zoisite.[/ul]
        King Endymion
              Queen Beryl
                Sailor Mnemosyne

                  Sailor Lethe
                      last edit on Nov 20, 2021 18:22:16 GMT by vii

                      Now on jcink!